I made these cute holiday stockings from repurposing sweaters; it was very easy to do and if you have sweaters you're ready to part with, consider this project. I preferred red sweaters with a festive feel, here's the process I used, and these were featured in Chatelaine magazine. Step 1 – decide what sweaters to use
I didn't use a form, but you could make a stocking shape with some cardboard or kraft paper to follow the shape when cutting.
Start chopping! You can see the shape pretty quickly! Using really sharp scissors to cut through the sweaters helps get through the thicker parts. Then I inverted the pattern and hand sewed them together with tight stitches.
Turn them from outside in and voila! I loved how the stripe turned out! I used the bottom of the sweater so the top of the stocking would be in a solid red cuff.
Here it is on the fireplace.
The trio together.
And here they are in Chatelaine magazine.