Often people ask about using wallpaper and I'm a fan of wallpaper. There are so many beautiful patterns, colours and styles you can find just about anything these days. When you're picking wallpaper, it often depends on a few factors, such as: the style of the house (traditional versus more modern); the room you're wallpapering; whether you want colour or a neutral shade and finally what you like. There are also options online that will custom make any pattern you have or like into wallpaper, pretty neat idea! There are also removable papers that might be an option if you're a renter and aren't allowed to paint the walls.
The image shown above shows how wallpaper adds so much interest to a room. The walls are really activated (image from Domino magazine). Wallpaper can also be an option if you're trying to cover up imperfect walls.
I've also used striped wallpaper horizontally, exactly like this Farrow & Ball option, and it looked amazing.
Farrow & Ball tessella has a bolder look.
A pattern similar to this in a bathroom looks great!